The Nest Support Group

A High Conflict Coparent Support Group for Protective Moms

Support for Moms experiencing Abusive and/or High Conflict Coparenting Situations.

Relief is Here.

Are you a mom suffering in a High Conflict Coparenting situation?

Join our Private, Safe, and Anonymous Support Group with other like-minded Protective Moms. Support for you and resources to help you navigate this nightmare and nurture secure attachment and family wellbeing.

Support and Community are the Foundation of Wellness.

What is Included ?

  • A secure, gated, moderated, and vetted community forum (not on FB!), where you will be supported and can find answers and likeminded moms.

  • This monthly session is recorded and available online for members. Questions are submitted in advance and interaction can be anonymous and private, with no need for cameras on, names shared, or joining the call.

  • Monthly education specific to Protective Parenting: nurturing and supporting the unique needs of your children while understanding the tricky dynamics at play

  • Monthly Skill building for navigating coparenting with high conflict, volatile, and difficult people while protecting your children and yourself.

  • An Emotional Regulation skill taught monthly, with opportunities to practice these skills with others.

Who leads the group?

I’m Mishka Willis, a Certified Parent Coach and Attachment Specialist, and most importantly, a Protective Mom with lived experience navigating High Conflict Coparenting.

I love learning about people and their nuances and quirks. When we learn about neuroscience and communication, it supports our own sense of self, and ability to manage tough situations.

My goal is to support Protective Moms in nurturing secure warm attachment with their kids, protect themselves and their families, so their families can thrive.

What Happens When I Register?

  • First Step: Registration and Basic Info

    Register for the Group at the link below.

    Once payment is confirmed, you will receive a link to a form to share basic information with Mishka. Once this information is reviewed, you’ll receive an invitation to schedule a welcome meet and greet session with Mishka.

  • Next Step: Meet with Mishka Individually

    You and I will have a private meeting to welcome you.

    When you and I meet, I will offer support and a warm welcome into the group. By meeting each person individually, I can increase the safety and security for all of the protective moms in our community. These meetings are about 10-20 minutes in length.

  • Last Step: A Welcome to the Community!

    After our individual Welcome meeting, you’ll be sent the information to join our group which meets privately in our own place (NOT Facebook!).

    Our community opens periodically to welcome new members, and in between we are closed so we can focus on the current community members.

Register here to join us and begin getting the support you deserve!

$67 monthly

Option One

Pay Monthly and cancel anytime.

$670 annually

Option two

Pay for a Year and receive 2 months free!

2 Months Free with Annual Pay!

The Real Truth

“Oppressive systems stay in existence because the people in power enjoy the luxury of their position and become unwilling to give up the privileges they win through taking advantage of other people and keeping them down. In short, the abusive mentality is the mentality of oppression.”

Lundy Bancroft